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Vegetables from real lithuanian village
Changes in exceptional quality indicators of carrots intended for human food over the storage period
An open-ended cooperation agreement between Farmer Algimantas Vaupšas and Aleksandras Stulginskis University (ASU) was signed in 2013.
The exceptional quality (EQP) “Soprano F1”, “Maestro F1”, and “Vulkano F1” carrot species grown at the Farm were used for the purposes of scientific researches. The quality indicators of these species of carrots were analysed in the Final Bachelor’s Thesis by E. Streckytė in 2014. Non-traditional, but more innovative research analytes were selected.
Research methods:
– electrochemical (pH, specific electrical conductivity, redox potential, energy value of the product P was estimated);
– spectral (nitrate concentration, soluble substances, dry matter, maturity).
It was found (based on the results of electrochemical analyses) that the lowest energy value of the product P in all carrot species was in autumn. During the storage period this indicator increased, therefore the product’s fitness for human body decreased (Fig. 5).
The spectral analyses have shown that the lowest concentration of nitrates was in “Vulkano F1” species carrots (42.0 mg/kg) over the entire storage period. The highest soluble substances content (%) in all carrot species was found in spring (7.68 %) (Fig. 6). The dry matter content (%) decreased in all carrot species over the storage period, however, the decrease was insignificant (Fig. 7) suggesting that this was determined by good storage conditions. It was found that the lowest maturity in all carrot species was in winter, and the highest one was in spring (13.07–18.47 N/mm) (Fig. 8), moreover, it was found that the highest percentage of soluble substances and dry matter as well as maturity was in “Vulkano F1” species carrot necks.
The storage conditions and period had no negative impact on the quality indicators of the carrot species under the research. Storage of the carrots was adequate.
Fig. 1. Devices used for electrochemical analyses:
A. Potenciometer.
B. Conductivity meter
C. pH meter
Fig. 2. Infrared radiation analyser used within the course of spectral analyses
Fig. 3. Samples prepared for electrochemical analyses
Fig. 4. Carrot neck
Fig. 5. Changes in energy value during the storage period
Fig. 6. Changes in soluble substances content (%) during the storage period
Fig. 7. Changes in dry matter content (%) during the storage period.
Fig. 8. Changes in maturity during the storage period